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Azure DevOps Integration Package
by Empyra

 Streamline, Automate, and Optimize Your Development Workflow 

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Automate Your Projects by Integrating Azure DevOps with monday.com

This powerful integration enables your team to collaborate effectively, manage development workflows, test, optimize, and ship code efficiently, all while leveraging monday.com’s intuitive project management tools, accessible user interface, and advanced reporting capabilities. Empyra's Azure DevOps Integration Package allows enterprises to seamlessly integrate monday.com with Microsoft Azure DevOps. It's like having a superpower for your project management!

Empyra is Exceptional with monday.com Integration

The Azure DevOps Integration Package by Empyra includes seamless integration with MS Azure DevOps and up to 10 hours of dedicated implementation services. These services may involve configuration or customization to ensure the integration meets your specific requirements.

Please note that additional third-party integrations or data migration services are not included in this package.

Before implementation, you will need to have API keys for both Microsoft Azure DevOps and monday.com, along with established requirements for shared elements between the two systems. The typical timeline for completing this integration is 2-3 weeks.


How the monday.com & Azure DevOps integration every department succeed

Project ManagementBenefits-of-Azure-DevOps-Integration-with-monday.com

Project managers can streamline workflows by overseeing both development tasks and broader project goals in one centralized platform. With real-time updates from Azure DevOps automatically reflected in monday.com, they gain instant visibility into progress and potential bottlenecks. This integration also enhances collaboration, ensuring seamless communication and alignment between development and non-development teams.

Development TeamBenefits-of-Azure-DevOps-Integration-with-monday.com

Developers can streamline their processes by continuing to work in Azure DevOps while project updates and requirements sync automatically with monday.com, reducing manual entry and minimizing errors. This automation allows developers to focus more on coding and improving software quality. Additionally, progress and issues are easily tracked in monday.com, ensuring transparency for stakeholders without disrupting the development workflow.

Product ManagementBenefits-of-Azure-DevOps-Integration-with-monday.com

Product managers can better align development efforts with product goals by tracking feature progress in monday.com and linking it to specific tasks in Azure DevOps. The integration enables more effective task prioritization based on real-time insights from both platforms, while also facilitating clear communication of product requirements and updates to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

Quality AssuranceBenefits-of-Azure-DevOps-Integration-with-monday.com

QA teams can integrate testing by linking test cases in Azure DevOps to tasks and sprints in monday.com, ensuring alignment with project timelines. Bugs identified during testing are automatically synced between both platforms, enabling faster resolution and clear tracking. This integration also enhances collaboration between QA and development teams, leading to quicker feedback loops and improved software quality.

Operations and ITUntitled design (5)-Aug-20-2024-09-38-23-0131-AM

Operations and IT teams benefit greatly from the monday.com and Azure DevOps integration by enabling more efficient resource management, allowing them to track resources, monitor progress, and manage deployments with greater ease, thus reducing delays and boosting deployment efficiency. Routine operational tasks can be automated, freeing up IT resources to focus on strategic initiatives.

Customer SupportUntitled design (6)-4

The integration of monday.com with Azure DevOps allows customer support teams to resolve issues faster by seamlessly tracking support tickets that require development work, ensuring quicker resolution times. Additionally, it improves customer communication by providing support teams with accurate, real-time updates from the development team, keeping customers informed about the status of their issues.

Stop Doing It All, Start Streamlining, Partner with Empyra

Custom Implementation

With up to 10 hours of dedicated implementation services, our team will configure and customize the integration to fit your specific needs, ensuring a tailored solution that works for your organization. Uncover our entire range of implementation services.

Optimized Workflow

Utilize the best of both worlds—Azure DevOps for development and monday.com for project management—to optimize your workflows, ensuring projects are delivered on time and within scope.

Enhanced Visibility

Gain superior insights into your development processes with monday.com's broad reporting capabilities, allowing for informed decision-making at every stage.


Seamless Collaboration

Connect your project management and development teams with ease, ensuring smooth communication and workflow between monday.com and Azure DevOps.

Empyra's Assurance of Top-Tier Services

Empyra specializes in the implementation and customization of monday.com Work OS. With our extensive experience, keep your developers' work on Azure DevOps aligned with your business strategy, managed and tracked within monday.com Work OS.  we can handle complex integrations and custom application development, ensuring that your tools are working together seamlessly.

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